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Marketsmart Blog

Fundraising vs. Selling: How to overcome the misconceptions

Consider using the word "consider" more often

Too much talk about donor retention?

Fundraising vs. Facilitating

Is your organization really that special?

Sample - How To Post

2 things you need to know for direct marketing

Do you really have to ask for a gift?

I am a disruptor

Quality vs. Quantity: Which is better for selecting fundraising prospects?

Why it's time for reinvention

3 reasons to focus on major gifts (including major legacy gifts)

Why Journalism and Fundraising Make Good Bedfellows

Your planned giving offers need to change

The Real Story of MarketSmart...

Want to get a $1 million dollar donation? Here's how:

Proof that high-dollar donors are more loyal than low-dollar supporters

WE WON!... thanks to you!

Another clever way to motivate your supporters to give

Should legacy gift notification forms die?

Why the best marketers know very little about the technical aspects of planned giving

4 amazing quotes about how to treat your donors (from the Fortune 500)

3 reasons to run an OPT-OUT campaign

How to get great fundraising advice without reading an entire book

6 best practices for delivering progress reports to your major gift and legacy supporters

24 amazing benchmark reports on fundraising all in one place

8 posts that will help you develop a solid planned gift marketing strategy

15 telephone call don't's for major and legacy gift fundraisers

15 telephone call do's for major and legacy gift fundraisers

Know anyone needing a pick-me-up?

Why mistakes are awesome and what to do about them

Should you create a separate Facebook page for major (and/or planned) gifts?

Why the only thing to fear is fear itself.

4 reasons to focus on major gifts (including major legacy gifts)

5 potentially big problems related to telemarketing for planned gifts

The best 2-step plan for legacy gift marketing

Chasm between knowledge and ignorance in marketing and advertising

Why you should use nostalgia to promote more giving

Your supporters want a polyamorous relationship with you and your organization

The 3 types of planned giving prospects

People won't give til' it hurts!

What your donors hear Vs. What you tell them

Should your planned giving website include a calculator page?

It's all about the "warm glow"!

Do people prefer when others pay for a nonprofits’ administrative costs?

Are we sometimes asking donors the wrong questions?

Stop swapping your donor lists with other nonprofits

12 questions to ask yourself to avoid disrespecting your supporters

When Brand Guidelines Trump Donor-centricity You Have a Recipe For Disaster

Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!

Softening Statements: 22 effective ways to ease into difficult conversations with supporters

The Secret: Why People Really Make Major Gifts and Bequests

8 huge reasons why you should join our new LinkedIn fundraising group

You don't own your donors

3 amazing quotes from major donors

11 props you can use to raise more money at face-to-face meetings

4 reasons why you should spend less time telling donor stories and more time getting your supporters to tell you their life stories

Everything you need is already in your database

The number one reason why people give is not what you think

Believe in "The Fantastic Four" if you want to market planned gifts the right way

3 powerful planned giving quotes from famous and not-so-famous people

MarketSmart was in the Washington Post last weekend

Why silence is golden

9 questions to help you determine if your results are good

Empathy vs. Perspective... Which One is Better?

Why I Like This Ad

What Should the Title of your Legacy Giving Booklet Be?

Why do Nonprofits Give Their Staff Such Terrible Titles?

Why You Should Add Fuel to the Fire

Bees, Fear, Negativity and You

Two Steps to Make the Best of Donor Advised Funds

Start Putting These Words Everywhere Right Now

Uncover Problems Before Your Supporters Leave You Forever

There's No Such Thing as "Email Readership"

Why Your Donors are Hoping You'll Call or Visit Them (According to Science)

7 Solid Reasons Why You Should Kill Your Printed and Electronic Planned Giving Newsletter

Does Longevity of Giving Increase the Likelihood That Your Supporters Would Make a Planned Gift?

Here's One More Thing to Worry About (As if You Don't Have Enough)

A Guide to Greg Warner's Made Up Vocabulary

Ask a Volunteer!

5 Ways to Get Your Major Donors to Refer You and Your Organization to Others

The #1 Way to Generate More New Major Donors Fast

Will you be at AFP 2015 in Baltimore next week?

Imagine This...

Why You Must Recognize the Consideration Continuum

Keep Your Chin Up and Keep Trying!

2 of the Most Important Fundraising Charts You'll Ever See

2 of the Most Important Fundraising Charts You'll Ever See

Ya Gotta Give 'Em Value

Stop Looking for Fundraising Unicorns!

6 Ways You Should Suggest Your Donors Use Their DAFs

Give Your Supporters the "Awesomeness Coin"

10 Ways to Deliver Value to Your Major Donors and Planned Giving Prospects

5 Ways You Can Ensure That Your Supporters Never Feel "Donor Remorse"

What's Wrong with "Ask > Thank > Report > Repeat"

How to Get All of Your Planned Giving Marketing Questions Answered for FREE

Why I Give So Much Away for Free

What Words to Use Instead of the Infamous "B-word" (Bequest)

3 Big Reasons You Should Remove the Word "Bequest" from Your Vocabulary

Start with "Thank You"

7 Simple Lessons to Remember from Dr. Russell James About Planned Gift Marketing

4 Trends That Will Reshape the Nonprofit Landscape

How to Optimize Your Planned Giving Inserts for Results in 6 Steps

How to Forecast How Much Planned Giving Revenue You Will Get

4 Cute Cartoons About Planned Giving (Sort Of)

The Definitive Menu of Engagement Fundraising Marketing Channels

Your Donors Want Symbolic Immortality... So Why Not Give It to Them?

HEAR THE VOICE OF SMART IDEAS: Finally You Can Hear Greg Warner Talk About Engagement Fundraising!

Are You Finding the Path Up?

6 "Ins" and "Outs" for Your Planned Gift Marketing in 2015

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