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Marketsmart Blog

3 reasons to run an OPT-OUT campaign

By Greg Warner On August 31, 2015

Yes! I said you should run an OPT-OUT campaign. Not an opt-in campaign.

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How to get great fundraising advice without reading an entire book

By Greg Warner On August 26, 2015

I love to sit down and read about marketing and fundraising. I often find myself ordering books from Amazon because I like the titles and I truly want to read the books. But, unfortunately, I don't have enough time.

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6 best practices for delivering progress reports to your major gift and legacy supporters

By Greg Warner On August 24, 2015

Tony Robbins, author of Money: Master the Game, discussed 'How Progress Equals Happiness' earlier this year on Oprah's digital web-show - #OWNSHOW.

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24 amazing benchmark reports on fundraising all in one place

By Greg Warner On August 21, 2015

If you're like me, you like to noodle data and scratch your head a lot.

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8 posts that will help you develop a solid planned gift marketing strategy

By Greg Warner On August 17, 2015

Here's a sort of "Greatest Hits" list. Each post containing outstanding tips that will help you develop a solid planned gift marketing strategy.

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15 telephone call don't's for major and legacy gift fundraisers

By Greg Warner On August 14, 2015

Two days ago I outlined my "do's". Today, here are my "don't's". Both can be found here on this cheat-sheet.

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15 telephone call do's for major and legacy gift fundraisers

By Greg Warner On August 12, 2015
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Know anyone needing a pick-me-up?

By Greg Warner On August 10, 2015
Sample of MajorGiftMotivator tile (sent out every Tuesday)
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Why mistakes are awesome and what to do about them

By Greg Warner On August 07, 2015

I know the feeling. A supporter calls to tell you your email or letter spelled her name wrong. She's pissed! You begin to sweat and your muscles become tense. You think to yourself - "This sucks!"

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Should you create a separate Facebook page for major (and/or planned) gifts?

By Greg Warner On August 05, 2015

In most cases I don't recommend doing so.

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Why the only thing to fear is fear itself.

By Greg Warner On August 03, 2015

I think nonprofits need to be more real. More genuine. Less formal. And, less afraid of being real and genuine.

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