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Marketsmart Blog

Give Your Supporters the "Awesomeness Coin"

By Greg Warner On February 27, 2015

It's not just important. It's essential that you allow donors to feel awesome about themselves. Therefore, you just have to give them the "awesomeness coin."

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10 Ways to Deliver Value to Your Major Donors and Planned Giving Prospects

By Greg Warner On February 25, 2015

1. Find ways to release dopamine and/or oxytocin in your supporters' brains. Oxytocin creates intimacy, trust, and builds healthy relationships. It is essential for creating strong bonds and improved social interactions. Dopamine motivates us to take action toward goals, desires, and needs, and...

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5 Ways You Can Ensure That Your Supporters Never Feel "Donor Remorse"

By Greg Warner On February 20, 2015

It's still stings. Every single time I see that nonprofit organization's logo, it hurts.

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What's Wrong with "Ask > Thank > Report > Repeat"

By Greg Warner On February 18, 2015

My pal Steven Screen is one of the best fundraising copywriters in the U.S. Seriously! He and his friend Jeff Brooks have a great podcast called Fundraising Is Beautiful. You might want to check it out.

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How to Get All of Your Planned Giving Marketing Questions Answered for FREE

By Greg Warner On February 14, 2015

You may be all alone out there. Charged with uncovering hidden bequest gifts, generating new leads and meeting with supporters to help them make their plans.

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Why I Give So Much Away for Free

By Greg Warner On February 13, 2015

As many of you probably already know, when I first started examining the nonprofit space, I was baffled, dumbfounded, perplexed and confused.

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What Words to Use Instead of the Infamous "B-word" (Bequest)

By Greg Warner On February 09, 2015

Last week one of my blog posts told you make sure to stay away from the word "bequest" in your communications with donors. But I failed to tell you what word or words to use instead.

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3 Big Reasons You Should Remove the Word "Bequest" from Your Vocabulary

By Greg Warner On February 06, 2015

The word bequest sucks when it comes to generating planned gift revenue. Stop using it. Here's why:

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Start with "Thank You"

By Greg Warner On February 04, 2015

Tracy Malloy-Curtis is a real fundraiser. She's passionate, hard-working, and smart! ...My kinda fundraiser.

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7 Simple Lessons to Remember from Dr. Russell James About Planned Gift Marketing

By Greg Warner On February 02, 2015
  1. Use family words (stories and simple, colloquial words) not formal words
  2. Use social examples/norms such as: Many of our donors like to make a gift in their will or by beneficiary designation
  3. Tell stories of planned bequest donors who are still alive... not dead!
  4. Talk about benefits (including tax...
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