Curt Swindoll, Executive Vice President for Strategy at Pursuant (a fundraising consultancy), outlined 4 trends that will reshape the nonprofit landscape.
How to Optimize Your Planned Giving Inserts for Results in 6 Steps
I always recommend including inserts with my clients' annual fund thank you letters.
I think Michael Rosen is the most thorough of all planned giving bloggers. If you find my posts to be too short and missing some meat, then you'll really enjoy Michael's exceptionally brilliant and complete analysis of just about everything related to planned gift fundraising.
We know that it's not always easy to determine where you should be focusing your efforts (and your dollars).
Your Donors Want Symbolic Immortality... So Why Not Give It to Them?
On her deathbed, my wife's grandmother wrote this note.
HEAR THE VOICE OF SMART IDEAS: Finally You Can Hear Greg Warner Talk About Engagement Fundraising!
Did you ever see pictures of someone or read their books and then... when you finally hear their voice, you think to yourself, "Hmm! So that's what they sound like!"
There's an age-old story about two shoe salesmen sent to Africa in the early 1900's to assess the potential of the market.