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Marketsmart Blog

What Should the Title of your Legacy Giving Booklet Be?

By Greg Warner On April 29, 2015

A few months ago, William Rivas-Rivas (Director of Philanthropic Gifts at Animal Legal Defense Fund) posed the following question/challenge to the members of the Major and Planned Gift Marketers Group on LinkedIn:

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Why do Nonprofits Give Their Staff Such Terrible Titles?

By Greg Warner On April 27, 2015

I have always felt that the word "fundraiser" stinks!

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Why You Should Add Fuel to the Fire

By Greg Warner On April 24, 2015

Impressive results.

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Bees, Fear, Negativity and You

By Greg Warner On April 22, 2015

Bees will sting a person whose mind is releasing vibrations of fear, much more readily than it will bother the person whose mind registers no fear. Therefore, a person whose mind is filled with fear emits energy that attracts negative outcomes.

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Two Steps to Make the Best of Donor Advised Funds

By Greg Warner On April 20, 2015

1. Uncover who among your supporters has a donor advised fund. Just ask them the very simple question: Do you have a donor advised fund?

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Start Putting These Words Everywhere Right Now

By Greg Warner On April 17, 2015

Every single one of your supporters wants to have a meaningful life and wants to be remembered fondly after their lifetime.

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Uncover Problems Before Your Supporters Leave You Forever

By Greg Warner On April 15, 2015

Ya don't know what ya don't know

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There's No Such Thing as "Email Readership"

By Greg Warner On April 13, 2015

There's a very well-known planned giving marketing vendor running around talking about "email readership." Here's what I mean. One of my pals sent me the following. The "marketing" vendor said they garner these email stats for their clients:

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Why Your Donors are Hoping You'll Call or Visit Them (According to Science)

By Greg Warner On April 10, 2015

Call reluctance is a term used in sales but it applies to fundraising too!

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7 Solid Reasons Why You Should Kill Your Printed and Electronic Planned Giving Newsletter

By Greg Warner On April 08, 2015

I know, I know... you love your planned giving newsletter.

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Does Longevity of Giving Increase the Likelihood That Your Supporters Would Make a Planned Gift?

By Greg Warner On April 06, 2015

Question: Does more donations made over many years (longevity of giving) truly lead to an increase in the likelihood of leaving a gift or the likelihood of considering one?

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Here's One More Thing to Worry About (As if You Don't Have Enough)

By Greg Warner On April 03, 2015

You've probably heard about charity monitoring organizations such as Charity Navigator, CharityWatch and GiveWell, right? People will often visit these sites in an effort to determine if your organization is legitimate and worthy of their hard-earned cash.

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A Guide to Greg Warner's Made Up Vocabulary

By Greg Warner On April 01, 2015

I like to make up words and phrases. Here's a list of some of them and what they mean:

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