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Marketsmart Blog

15 telephone call don't's for major and legacy gift fundraisers

By Greg Warner On August 14, 2015

Two days ago I outlined my "do's". Today, here are my "don't's". Both can be found here on this cheat-sheet.

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Should you create a separate Facebook page for major (and/or planned) gifts?

By Greg Warner On August 05, 2015

In most cases I don't recommend doing so.

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5 potentially big problems related to telemarketing for planned gifts

By Greg Warner On July 27, 2015

Here are the potential downsides to telemarketing for planned gifts:

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The best 2-step plan for legacy gift marketing

By Greg Warner On July 24, 2015

1. Generate leads using social norms, family reminders and non-death-related packages

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Chasm between knowledge and ignorance in marketing and advertising

By Greg Warner On July 22, 2015

If you are spending your donors' hard-earned cash on marketing (fundraising), you must watch this short video from one of my heroes - David Ogilvy

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Why you should use nostalgia to promote more giving

By Greg Warner On July 20, 2015

I recently stumbled upon a neat paper titled Nostalgia: The Gift That Keeps Giving. Here's a summary:

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Your supporters want a polyamorous relationship with you and your organization

By Greg Warner On July 17, 2015

Polyamorous relationships are non-exclusive.

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The 3 types of planned giving prospects

By Greg Warner On July 15, 2015

1. Disclosers - For these folks (breaking into two basic categories) you need to remember that, unless their gift is irrevocable, they are still prospects.

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People won't give til' it hurts!

By Greg Warner On July 06, 2015

Sometimes I feel like I should make a list of all the silly things I hear fundraisers say. Here's one I heard recently that just felt so wrong:

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Should your planned giving website include a calculator page?

By Greg Warner On June 29, 2015

Sometimes our new clients get all jazzed about having a calculator on their planned giving website. I guess they feel it's important to provide a calculator so their donors can calculate their charitable gift annuities or their retained life estates.

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