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Your supporters want a polyamorous relationship with you and your organization

POLYAMOROUS RELATIONSHIPSPolyamorous relationships are non-exclusive.

Therefore, your supporters will cheat on you. They will cozy up to other organizations (your competitors). They will come and go when they want to.

Sometimes they'll get more engaged and involved. Other times they'll withdraw or detach.

At some point they might even make a plan to leave your organization in their will. And, later, they might change that plan by replacing your organization with another.

Your supporters will control the relationship. Yep! And it will be polyamorous.


So why am I telling you this?

Because they will still want your adoration. They will still want your respect. And, they will still want your loyalty.

They will stick with your organization only if they trust you, believe in your mission, and feel loved.


The question is: Are you building their trust? Are you developing their belief in your mission? And are you giving them love?

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Posted byGreg Warner

July 17, 2015

Tags: Planned Giving, Major Giving

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