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Why the best marketers know very little about the technical aspects of planned giving

There's an acronym — K.I.S.S. — that seems like it might have been developed just for marketers:

K - Keep

I - It

S - Simple

S - Stupid!


For example, consider automobile marketing. The best marketers of cars don't worry about learning everything they can about how the engine works, how torque gets created, or what compounds were used in the manufacturing process for two reasons:

1. The average car buyer really doesn't care

2. That's not why the average car buyer selects a car

Not much discussion about torque in this ad Not much discussion about torque in this ad

Just about every financial decision is based mostly on emotion. Yes, emotion— not pragmatism. For a big purchase (such as an automobile), buyers depend on:

  • Their personal preferences (such as red vs. green, sporty vs. functional)
  • Opinions of others (social norms)
  • Fuel economy (practicality to avoid "pain")
  • Fear (safety)
  • Etc.

After all of those concerns have been considered, then a very small number of buyers might possibly want to look at some details such as how the torque gets produced. But most won't.


Similarly, when "marketing and selling" (or raising) major or planned gifts it's all about emotion. If you find yourself trying to communicate details about the process, you might want to reconsider what you're doing because you might lose your supporter's interest on-the-spot.

Keep it simple— stupid!

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Posted byGreg Warner

September 09, 2015

Tags: Planned Giving

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