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3 amazing quotes from major donors

amazing quotes from major donors"I walk over to my desk, take out my pen, and get ready to sign a check for an important program. It's a great thrill! It means that I've done something that is important. There's great joy in my giving. It's thrilling. It's exhilarating. It's important to be a part of sharing. It is my love. It is my joy."

W. Clement Stone - Entrepreneur (Insurance), motivational speaker, philanthropist


"I love to do things for children because I get a kick out of it. Therefore, I am a selfish person and no philanthropist."

W. K. Kellogg- Cereal magnate, philanthropist


"When I make a gift, I feel good all over. I actually glow. I love to give. I patently enjoy giving. When you've got it, you're supposed to give it away. This is something I just feel inside me. And when I give, I look in the mirror and I think— wow, what a great thing I've done."

Dorothy Simmerly- Major supporter of the Episcopal Church


All three quotes can be found in Jerold Panas' ancient (but still awesome) book titled Megagifts (originally published back in 1984). You can get it used for as low as 79 cents. It's worth every penny.

Posted byGreg Warner

May 28, 2015

Tags: Major Giving

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