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Why do Nonprofits Give Their Staff Such Terrible Titles?

fundraiserI have always felt that the word "fundraiser" stinks!

As a donor, I feel like "fundraiser" screams "salesperson". When a fundraiser calls me, I know I better hold on to my wallet and my checkbook.
The staff titles nonprofits use are pretty stinky too.
Do you really think the average person feels comfortable when they read these titles below?
Gift Officer (will I get arrested if I don't give?)
Director or Vice President of:

Institutional Advancement (surely the worst of the bunch)

Charitable Estate Planning

Real Estate Gifting

Gift Planning

Estate & Gift Planning

Planned Giving & Estate Administration

Trusts, Estates & Gift Planning

Charitable Estate Planning

Trusts & Estates

Donor Relations


Development & Marketing

Institutional Advancement (surely the worst of the bunch)


Advancement Development

Business Development


External Relations

Donor Ombudsman

Rather, I prefer (although I've never seen anyone use these) "Donor Engagement Facilitator", "Mission Engagement Facilitator", or simply "Engagement Facilitator". Those titles sound more inviting to me. In fact, I actually came up with these titles when I handed a fundraiser a check for $1,000 last year.
My titles above makes me feel like I can easily get engaged with the nonprofit's mission if I call that person... instead of being asked for money from a fundraiser or Director of Advancement.
Who says that you have to continue using those same old stodgy, confusing, and often meaningless titles anyway? I think they make donors feel uncomfortable. Donating to charity is a "familial" act (of, relating to, or occurring in a family or its members). It's a social act. The nonprofit titles above don't have an ounce of emotion. Yuck!
People want to engage first, then they'll give. Change your titles and I bet you'll raise more money.


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Posted byGreg Warner

April 27, 2015

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