Marketsmart Blog

Should your planned giving website include a calculator page?

planned giving website calculatorSometimes our new clients get all jazzed about having a calculator on their planned giving website. I guess they feel it's important to provide a calculator so their donors can calculate their charitable gift annuities or their retained life estates.

But I'm not so sure donors really use these things very much. And, after reviewing two of our client's planned giving websites I found that I was right (at least for those two).

Here are the results from my digging around:

Planned giving calculato statsNow, you should also know that one of my clients told me last month that they once closed a $1 million CGA as a result of their online gift calculator. That's the kind of story that has always prevented me from dropping the calculator altogether.

What do you think? Have you had awesome success with your online calculator?

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Posted byGreg Warner

June 29, 2015

Tags: Planned Giving

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