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Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!

planned giving I just saw a video for a nonprofit's planned giving department that made me sick. Truly nauseated.

In it, the fake actor/speaker said the word "die!" six times within 90 seconds.

She also said, "Many people are uncomfortable with the thought of dying." Really? Ya' think?

And finally, she said that, "Most of us will see the full 24 hours of tomorrow. But the reality is that many will not."


The worst part about this? The nonprofit actually used their supporters hard-earned donations to pay for it. They seem to believe those same supporters will watch the video and plan to make a legacy gift after enduring the experience.


My friends, I beg you to remember this: Employing scare tactics and reminding people about the fact that they will die will never help you close more planned gifts. This kind of so-called "marketing" will only trigger an avoidance response.


Stop telling your supporters they're gonna' die. Truth is, it's these videos that should be put to death.


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Posted byGreg Warner

June 10, 2015

Tags: Planned Giving

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