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Why Your Donors are Hoping You'll Call or Visit Them (According to Science)

Call reluctance is a term used in sales but it applies to fundraising too!

Call reluctance is when a fundraiser allows just about anything and everything to get in the way of their true job - engaging with supporters. Meetings, forms, paperwork, etc. None of that is more important than picking up the phone and getting out to visit with donors! We all know this to be true but somehow some of us still allow things to get in our way.

So I figured I'd turn call reluctance upside down and shake it a bit by saying that YOU OWE YOUR DONORS A CALL OR VISIT BECAUSE:

  1. They want to give
  2. They need to give
  3. They will be happier if they give
  4. And, in some cases, they will actually be upset if you don't give them an opportunity to give


There's scientific proof of my claim thanks to


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Posted byGreg Warner

April 10, 2015

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