Marketsmart Blog

Why You Must Recognize the Consideration Continuum

iStock_000015177972SmallYou must recognize that most of your supporters will never stop considering whether to give to you.

Recently, as we working together on a client project, my pal Phyllis Freedman gave this truth a neat little title. She called it "the consideration continuum".

I think she was referring to the fact that:

  • Your supporters can be flat-out fickle
  • Your supporters' needs and desires will change over time
  • Major life events will affect your supporters' choices and decisions
  • Your competition (and you better believe that you are competing for "share of wallet") will never give up
  • The way you treat your supporters effects whether or not your organization will get more gifts and/or continue to remain in their will (or get less gifts and/or get kicked out of their estate plan)


This consideration continuum never stops. So, neither can you. And, neither can your organization.

You have to keep delivering value to your supporters. You have to keep delivering messages to them that are worthwhile, inspirational, and effective. You have to continue to engage them in meaningful ways.

You can't stop being awesome because, the consideration continuum for each of your supporters will never end.

Thanks Phyllis. Always wise and always brilliant!



Posted byGreg Warner

March 20, 2015

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