Marketsmart Blog

Believe in "The Fantastic Four" if you want to market planned gifts the right way

When it comes to marketing planned gifts, always remember that you want your supporters to think about how they can find meaning in their lives by leaving a gift to your charity.
Here are "The Fantastic Four"— Four ways to help your supporters get past the avoidance response that usually gets triggered when they receive end-of-life messages. These are also known as death messages. The following is based on research from my pal Dr. Russell James.
  1. Help them visualize their life story while realizing how their mission aligns with your organization's mission [Visualized autobiography]
  2. Facilitate an experience that allows them to see themselves as the hero in their own life story [Autobiographical heroism]
  3. Enable them to feel that they can live on in the hearts and minds of others [Symbolic immortality]
  4. Provide a way for them to honor, pay tribute to or recognize others [Commemorative immortality]


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Posted byGreg Warner

May 15, 2015

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